Poquoy Brook Local Rules
Piles of loose impediments such as leaves, seeds or acorns may make it difficult for a player to find or play his ball. Such piles of loose impediments in the general area or in a bunker as ground under repair from which free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1.
This local rule allows a player to take free relief from a ball not found when it is “known or virtually certain” that it came to rest in loose impediments such as leaves. 2 players need to concur that it is likely lost due to excessive leaves. Determine the nearest point of relief
The USGA Rules of Golf govern all play except as modified by the following local rules:
Doubt as to Procedure: Proceed under Rule 20.1c:
“If you are uncertain about the right procedure while playing a hole, you may complete the hole with two balls without penalty.”
Out of Bounds (Holes 2, 4, 5, 6, 13-17): Defined by inside edge of white stakes and painted lines (painted lines take precedent). Boundaries on Holes 2 and 4 are defined by the cable fence along the road. Hole 5: brook on left side from tee to corner of fairway, where it becomes yellow; not including cart path.
Proceed under Rule 18.2b.
Hole #18: Playing tee or any shot down Hole# 1 is considered out of bounds.
Yellow Penalty Areas: (listed below)
Defined by inside edge at ground level of yellow stakes and painted lines (painted lines take precedent). Proceed under Rule 17.1d.
Hole 3: pond in front of tee
Hole 5: brook as fairway runs out.
Hole 7: pond in front of tee.
Hole 9: brook.
Hole 10: brook.
Hole 17: brook.
Hole 18: pond in front of tee and brook in front of the green which extends past the brook to the fairway in front of the green.
Red Penalty Areas: (listed below)
Defined by inside edge at ground level of red stakes and painted lines (painted lines take precedent). Proceed under rule 17.1d.
Hole 1: both ponds on left side.
Hole 4: pond on left side.
Hole 6: Both ponds on left side (see additional instructions below). Over Green into the bog.
Hole 8: Pond in front of tee. Also, behind green and left of cart path (see additional instructions below)
New red area to the right of the green- front​
Hole 9: brook in woods on left side (see additional instructions below). Directly right of the tee, Behind 8th green.
Hole 10: brook in woods on left side.
Hole 11: Directly left of the tee up until the cart path.
Hole 18: Ball crosses water and makes it to land.
All cart paths, roads, cart bridges and their extensions, and French drains (Holes 1, 2, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18) are deemed abnormal ground conditions.
There are also other abnormal ground conditions:
Hole #8 Reeds and high grass to the right of the green. All competitors must agree that the ball is in this area.
Hole #10 wet area on the other side of the brook in the rough.
Hole #17 wet area on the left before the bridge. All competitors must agree that the ball is in this area.
Hole #18 wet area in front of the green and from cart path to cart path.
Other Examples of Abnormal Ground Conditions; Casual water & Burrowing animal holes.
To take relief, you must find the nearest point of complete relief from the GUR and drop your original ball or another ball away from the ground under repair and within one club-length of that point not nearer the hole (see Rule 16.1).
Ground Under Repair:
Hole #1 either side of the cart path before the cart path turns left.
GUR: To take relief, you must find the nearest point of complete relief from the GUR and drop your original ball or another ball away from the ground under repair and within one club-length of that point not nearer the hole (see Rule 16.1).
Flower Beds:
All flower beds are no play zones that are to be treated as abnormal course conditions. Free relief must be taken under Rule 16.1b. Drop zones are provided for flower beds on 17 (17: use the NEAREST of the two drop zones).
Holes with Drop Zones provided as additional forms of relief.
Hole 6: A drop zone is provided near the cart path as an additional form of relief for a ball that enters the second red penalty area to the left of the fairway. If you enter the 1st Red penalty area (first water off the tee), use red penalty rule only.
Hole 8: A drop zone is provided as an additional form of relief for a ball entering the reeds and high grass to the right of the green. IF NOT IN RED AREA
A drop zone is provided near the cart path as an additional form of relief for the red penalty areas left of the cart path and behind the green.
Hole 9: A drop zone is provided as an additional form of relief for a ball in the red penalty area left of the cart path
Hole 18: A ball that last enters the pond on the side nearest the tee is to be played as a yellow penalty area. Use yellow penalty rules.
A drop zone is provided to the right of the cart path between holes 17 and 18 as an additional form of relief.
A ball that last enters the pond on the side nearest the fairway is to be played as a red penalty area.
A tee shot that lands on the 1st hole is considered out of bounds. Left of the tree line from 18th tee box
ADDITIONAL FORM OF RELIEF: is the drop zone. You may choose to use the rules of golf on Red penalty area instead if you desire.
Pace of Play: Pace is 4 hours and 30 minutes. Please ensure that you are keeping pace with the group in front of you. Rule 6.4 expressly allows for stroke play and encourages players to play out of turn in a safe and responsible way to save time or for convenience (also known as “ready golf”).
Lost Ball or out of bounds local rule:
Stroke-and-distance relief will still be available to golfers, but it’s not the only option now for penalties of two strokes. To use this rule, first figure out where your ball went out of bounds or is likely to be lost. Then, find the nearest fairway edge. Lastly, drop your ball in a relief area between the two points defined above. If it your tee shot; you are hitting 4.
Or you may choose to use the old rule. Hit from original position with 1 stroke penalty.
Example: You tee off on 16 and you see (or estimate) the ball go out of bounds near 1st sand bunker. You now have 2 options. 1. Re tee, you are hitting your 3rd stroke. Or you may take a drop on the closest point of the fairway where ball went out. You lie 3 hitting 4
- ​These videos are 1 minute long- lost or out of bounds same relief
​Leaf rule applies only when committee deems course conditions will be needed to apply.​​
Common Golf Rule Questions